Savonlinna Seurahuone Apartments

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Savonlinna Seurahuone Apartments was transformed from a summer hotel into a year-round accommodation provider in the early summer of 2022. The kitchen and the expansion of the space found in almost every room make the accommodation comfortable and easy.The themes of the rooms have drawn from the locality of their world of material and color; the dark-toned rooms tell the story of Olavi, while Saimaa has inspired the natural color palette of the fresh green-toned rooms, and the shades brought from the life story of Aino Acktén create warmth in the milieu of the largest rooms. The harmonious and calm look of the corridors unites the whole. Locality is also emphasized in the art and lighting found in the rooms.In connection with the renovation, the space solutions, surfaces, furniture and lighting of the hotel's 48 rooms as well as the lobby and corridors were renovated.


+358 50 343 3074